Wednesday night I picked the kids up from aftercare and Childcare and we headed home in the dark. As we walked in the house my daughter handed me a note..
Hi J,
A1s eyes have been red all day. Maybe it's allergies? Just thought I'd let you know.
Her teacher
So after feeding the dog and grabbing some snacks we all got back into the car and headed to the doctors clinic.
We'd barely sat down before we were called in. After a quick examination it was determined that she had conjunctivitis. The next words were the ones which broke my girls heart..."no school tomorrow". She cried.
Tears streamed down her cheeks as we headed home with eye drops. The next day was the book parade, she was so looking forward to it. She loves school and given the choose would never stay home.
I was feeling a similar way. I had so so much to do at work. My class have just begun a cooking/lunch orders program. Last week we beat the previous years records for the whole year combined by receiving 100 lunch orders!! As I'd walked out that afternoon we already had 36 for this weeks Italian theme and I had plans to pre-cook the pizzas the next day. I also knew that more orders would come in. I needed to be at work...but I needed to be home too.
I needed to be home. That's what it came down to. I needed to be with my girl. So I made the call and my wonderful AP talked through with me how we'd handle the cooking and jobs that needed to be accomplished at work when i wasn't there. My colleague would step in and take a small group of students to cook them. She refused my offer to come in, kids in tow and do it. We worked it out.
As I hung up I thanked God for the workplace I'm at at this stage in my life. They're incredibly supportive and although I often feel guilty when I leave early for OT appointments for the boys or am late due to appointments..if need to take days off as I did in this case, the guilt only ever comes from me and not from them. They're supportive and understanding and care about the kids and I. I'm not just an employee, I'm a part of a caring community.
As I stayed home with my girl, struggling to get eye drops in her eyes throughout the day, snuggling her, playing waitress to her while she was in bed, I did at times receive calls from work. Those 36 lunch orders..well my prediction was right, they did 114! :0 . It's all sorted though, the AP and my colleague, they worked together to ensure it would all be ready for today (Friday) . I will walk in and simply need to reheat those pizzas and put the gelati in bowls and orders together. :)
Today my girl's heading back to school and I'm heading back to work. My guilt about not being at work when home or not being home when at work...well I don't think that will ever be gone completely. I care about my class and workplace too much not to worry about the impact my absence will have on them (that sounds a but conceited ~blush~ but it's a pattern that when I'm away the students don't cope so well and there are a few who really seem to get themselves into trouble on those days. I'm also working alone in yr6 as the only grade teacher and my colleague who stepped in is actually a leading teacher who has responsibilities across the school so to stop her program to take the kids for cooking is something im really grateful for).
My guilt which lies in the pull between home and work is made a little easier to deal with while I'm working in such a supportive school. As a single mother I can't express enough how incredibly important that is and how much easier that makes my life.
Do you ever feel guilty for working? Do you work in a supportive workplace?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Jen, I have the support of a partner, however I am constantly torn in the pull between work and home. If I don't work, patients miss out - one traveled 2.5 hours to see me the other day, and I was called to pick up a sick child... Others in the section have to cover for me, and being part time I can't return the favour. Yet when my children are unwell I need to be with them too. My dh tries to take time off, but there's a limit to how much he can ask of his workmates too. If I could clone myself I would.
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing quite like the relief of waking up to a healthy household :P
Funnily enough I have my Miss 7 home with jump-a-eye-tis today too. It must be the season for it