Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Do you dribble?..... (inspired by Deep Fried Fruit)

Today is Mama and Little Man day...but today the bigger little man is at home too as he is not well. A chest infection, a little medicine and asthma medication and he is doing pretty good. Just quietly playing with lego and going between playing cooperatively with his little brother and fighting like cats and dogs.

I have a lot of things I need to get done today. I have to vacuum the house, mop the floors, clean the bathrooms, do a few loads of washing, pay some bills, do some planning for tomorrow...the list goes on. Yet here I sit, blogging ;) .

One of my best blogging pals in da world Leanne from Deep Fried Fruit asked if we dribble? and I have to confess that absotootely I do! Infact I am dribbling right now!

I even sometimes wake at 5 intead of 5.30am so I can dribble as I wake and before I get up and leave the house for the day.

Oh the embarrassment, although I felt so much better finding out that my dribble is the dribble of choice of my bestie too. I don't feel so alone.

Instead of vacuuming or hanging out the washing I have sat for the last hour dribbling...from 10-11am they play 'Seventh Heaven' on the telly and I have to confess that I love to sit and watch it. *blush*

It is the telly that I watch when I want some light entertainment, when I can watch rather than having to and it is (or I should say was) my secret indulgance that noone knew about :).

So what about you? do you watch dribble on t.v? what is your dribble of choice?


  1. LOL. You're funny.
    I used to love 7th Heaven! And recently I went through the entire series of Gilmore Girls as well. For whatever reason my dribbling is more reality based (if you can call it that). Thanks for playing :)

  2. Gem (or is it 11?) show Touched by an Angel as well as Seventh Heaven at about 4:30am. I've been known to put off going back to bed after an early morning feed so I can watch the end of an episode... Very sad!
