Sunday, 15 April 2012

Won't you come a riding with us?...

A really nice thing about living in a new area and new estate is that they are designed to be incredibly family friendly. Within our own estate there are two terrific playgrounds, a walking/ bike track which takes us all throughout the estate and a gorgeous pond with ducks and swans making it their home. Often we get sick of being inside and venture out on two wheels to explore.

Master A2 sits on the back of my bike while the big kids venture out on their own bikes and off we go. The wonderful thing is that there is barely ever reason for the children to ride on the rode, making the ride safe for all of us (rode safety is something we are still working on).

I had the wonderful idea of going for a bike ride in the city last week, the only problem was that I could not fit my bike in the boot of the car :( so until I can afford a bike rack that will have to be an outting that waits. So instead we went off riding around our neighbourhood.

Thankfully the area that we are planning of moving to has bike tracks all throughout it also and with the added bonus of having a train station within riding distance city riding will become an easy possibility :)

Do you ride bikes as a family? What do you like to do together with the kids?

1 comment:

  1. cycled every where with M and now we can not get him on his bike . It is great how bike tracks are everywhere now
